Beginners guide to batch numbers and wallpaper tools

Exciting times are ahead, you’ve decided on a wallpaper design, and it’s just arrived in the post. You’re staring at your rolls and a blank wall, wondering where to start well we’ve got you covered, with some tips and tricks on how to get started.


First thing to check when you receive your rolls is that they are all from the same batch, so check, double check then triple check. The batch number can be found on the front of the label in the form of letter and/or numbers. It can be a bad idea if you ignore these batch numbers as different batches can be slightly different colours, have different sized patterns or will not match offset pattern repeats.


If you order all your rolls in one order, the retailer should check this before sending, but it is always important that you check before you try applying it to the wall. If you realise you’ve not ordered enough rolls of wallpaper and need to order more, make sure you contact the seller beforehand to check that they still have that batch in stock and to send this exact batch.


You are now sure all your wallpaper will match; you are one step closer to starting your decorating. Next step is to make sure you have the right tools as this will make wallpapering a lot easier for you.

Plump line tool

Plump line

You want to make sure your wallpaper is straight, yes? Well, a good tool for this is a plump line. This weighted tool is essential in making sure you’re hanging the wallpaper correctly.

Pin the plumb line and let it hang, letting gravity do its thing, then when it is still, mark down the plumb line to make a straight line.


Cutting tools

Assuming you have measured your wall before ordering your wallpaper, you’ll want to cut the strips to size. When doing this, it is very important to cut them longer than the wall to cover you for the patter repeat it is equally important to make sure you have a pair of sharp and sturdy scissors.

Pasting application

It’s time to get pasting, your wallpaper is now ready to be hung. When you have picked your paste, we recommend ready mixed paste, the best way to cover a large surface is with a large pasting brush, they hold plenty of paste to apply to the wall or wallpaper, be sure to check if your wallpaper is paste the paper or paste the wall.


Smoothing brush

You’ve hung your first strip of wallpaper, its straight and neatly in place ready to be trimmed, the hardest part is over. Now you’re at the neatening and when you want to ensure your wallpaper is fully stuck to your wall with no air bubbles. To do this you want to use a smoothing brush, working from the centre of your wallpaper pushing excess paste and any air bubble out towards the edge, this ensures your wallpaper is completely flat against your wall.


Repeat and finish

Now you’ve hung your first strip repeat until you’ve completed your wall and there you have it a quick guide to getting the best out of your wallpaper.